Tourist trip
I like to share these pics with you for they represent some of the most important landmarks of american history*.

I'm sure that looking at the above picture, the first thought coming up to your mind is: White House. Look again!

I'm sure that looking at the above picture, the first thought coming up to your mind is: Lincoln Memorial. Look again! Again! Really, if you look long and close enough you can see Abraham sitting there, enjoying himself.
*thanks to

I'm sure that looking at the above picture, the first thought coming up to your mind is: White House. Look again!

I'm sure that looking at the above picture, the first thought coming up to your mind is: Lincoln Memorial. Look again! Again! Really, if you look long and close enough you can see Abraham sitting there, enjoying himself.
*thanks to
OMG are you the Sarah Lee of over all fame. Are you our lovely little twinkie with the full and bodily center. The little cake we all crave and long and yearn for in this life? OMG, I am in love once again. Oh and nice hooters in front of the national monuments. thanks. ED
What a BIG american historical landmark!
P. S. Psss... listen... there is a strange psycho guy sitted in the dark...
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